Its been such a long time since I've been here. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to actually write here again. I can actually see the cobwebs! I guess after a while of writing on a blog, I've got to the point where I would like to interact. To share my thoughts and have other people share my world. Hmm. I had a huge writing project and after handing that in just found writing difficult and I am just slowly going back to my journals and coming back here.
Now more than ever, I am even more interested in relationships. What makes a good one? How do we not allow time to erode what we have? How do we keep it all together. I read the following set of questions in my devotional a few months ago and shared them with SO. We called it a 'Relationship MOT' because we believe that they are truly important things to think about and honestly search for an answer to. Wanted to keep them close so decided to post them here.
A successful marriage is a give-and-take relationship with each party doing 90% giving and only 10% taking! Here are 10 questions to ask yourself about your ability to give and take.
1. Are you willing to give silence when your spouse needs a little quiet time?
2. Are you willing to take a rebuke and let it rest unchallenged?
3. Are you willing to give your spouse the benefit of the doubt?
4. Are you willing to take on an extra chore when you know your spouse is stressed out?
5. Are you willing to give a word of spontaneous encouragement?
6. Are you willing to take time to spend with your spouse - alone and without interruption?
7. Are you willing to give your spouse the courtesy of 'please' and 'thank you'?
8. Are you willing to take a 'time out' when an argument appears to be overheating?
9. Are you willing to give a compliment?
10. Are you willing to take a criticism?
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