Friday, 2 September 2011

Day 17: Letting It Go

I don't know how to let things go. Physically, emotionally otherwise. Every time I do a clean up, I see some things I have been hanging onto for years. I try and justify my reasons for hanging on to the things.'you never know when you might need this'! And some of them are so insignificant, notes from people I no longer speak to, a to do list for a day that was 3 years ago..LOL! I was laughing to myself until I began to think about my heart. About some issues and some people where I hadn't let things go. The real word is forgiveness but sometimes that sounds too heavy to deal with.

Of course I smile and I am polite with them, I say 'Don't worry, its ok' but I have been lying to people and lying to myself. The thing is that my heart just like my room was only designed to handle so much at a time. Space is limited and after a while its all just clutter and there's no room to room to love. These days I keep repeating to myself 'do you want to be right or be reconciled?' and I need room so I am learning to let things go.

Its easy to write 'letting it go' but I have been breathing really deeply. To forgive is to release. There is this temporary feeling of joy I have when I say 'I'm letting this issue go' but after a while my emotions begin to change and the anger resurfaces. I used to let this make me feel bad and keep trying to 'feel the forgiveness.' I just realised that expecting those feelings and emotions put me in a better place to deal with them. Like love, forgiveness is a decision I must make every single time when feelings go out of sync. So on this journey, its little letting go of the 'junk' both physically and emotionally.

There's just too much love to give and receive in this world for me to be crowding my life with some things anymore. Thank God for clarity.

Love. Live.


  1. Thanks for this post, its true sometimes its really difficult to let things go, its just seems so tough but its always best if we forgive ourselves and others and move on. easier said, yes! but our help comes from the Lord. Thanks for dropping by my blog. cheers

  2. Letting go is soooo hard and it is something that one has to work on.

    I struggle with this - especially if someone I was nice to wronged me.


  3. What a deep lesson, and this concerns most of us too, me included. God help us to learn to let go.

  4. I'm so guilty of clutter...right now,I have some people to completely forgive and every time I think I have,everything resurfaces and I feel bad. I always see a reason to keep them clogging my heart, oh!!!
    Our help is God for real ;). Great post!

    r...right now,I have some people to completely forgive and every time I think I have,everything resurfaces and I feel bad. I always see a reason to keep them clogging my heart, oh!!!
    Our help is God for real ;). Great post!

  5. @Priscy: Thanks for your comment. You're so right, it is tough.

    @N.I.L: Tell me about it..I have some stories. Yesterday I was also trying to look at it from the other side and praying that people I have hurt also learn to forgive me as I am learning to forgive others.

    @Myne: Amen. Its got to be one of the most difficult things for me. It's like telling me to cancel a big debt someone owes me. Lol!

    @enybees-hub: Its a process sis. I know one day I will wake up and when some names are mentioned my blood pressure won't rise and I can smile. I'm not there yet but I'm committed to the journey.
