One of the most important things I have learnt about being in a relationship is that it's so much more what I bring to 'us' than anything. Love is definitely a 2 way game of give and take but its important that I focus on what I'm giving, what I'm bringing, what I'm doing. Its not 50-50 but 100-100, giving your everything.
As the days go by I can see that I must work on myself...spiritually, emotionally, physically and even financially because 'me' affects 'us'. I feel like I've been in a sort of slump, it seems that because my relationship is one of the few things really working in my life it has somehow crept to being the focal point of my life. Not saying it isn't important but I always believing that one's relationship with God should be the centre from which all other things flow from. I don't like where I find myself these days..not with my career, some relationships or my my body.
I feel like I'm going through some midi mid-life crisis? I'm currently finishing my postgraduate degree and I need to make a career move. I know there's a gap in my life, like some service I could be providing or some contribution I could be making but I'm just at an all time low. So I'm tired of complaining, being unfulfilled and low will affects 'me' and 'me' affects 'us.' So I'm taking my 30 day challenge to a different place. I believe that God has blessed everyone with opportunities and no matter what excuses we could give for not living successful lives there's a responsibility that we have to seek the very best life that we can.
So I want to be a different G in the next 30 days. My birthday is next month and I just want to feel and be different and show myself that with God's help I can bring about change and it doesn't necessarily need to be a very big thing. So my challenge for the next 30 days is to
- Have at least an hour to pray, read the Bible and meditate. Need to make God the centre and connect back to my source
- Have no alcoholic drinks. Not that I drink a lot but I want to learn discipline, to say I'm going to do something and do it
- Write a post everyday chronicling the challenge or just sharing what I'm learning. They don't have to be long posts, they don't have to be perfect..just written
If anyone is reading this and you're simply not happy with where you are. isn't easy but you can make a decision to go somewhere else. It takes guts to live, I pray God gives me the courage to make the changes I need to. I need to keep upgrading.